
National Bibliographic impending closure may stall Hollywood Ending Jimmy Butler

 It's a good story.

I mean, it's a great story.

If Sandra Bullock can win an Oscar for best actress in the movie to feel good about The Blind Side, Michelle Lambert or something like that can make even better providing for the Bulls Jimmy Butler.

And perhaps he had Butler, a 6-7, 220 pound native of Marquette is Lambert and at one point looked like a boy walked in life, may win a prize just for when it's time.

Beautiful things.

It's so sweet that you were Monday in the Berto Center for introductory press conference delegates, one can understand why the woman next to the podium would not stop crying.

This blond hair, was a Lambert movie made so happy that I could not help but grieve for the joy was evident when an employee tries to make a simple question a little later.

It was Jimmy Butler, who will be homeless as a teenager, had friends with their children, a boy of good came from?

My family loves it, my kids love it, Lambert said, her makeup running down her cheeks, her nose is clogged.

A crumpled cloth fell on the gym floor, and the writer of the Lord took and gave it back.

Obviously I have a hard time trying to stop have grief, she said, wiping back.

Butler, you see, is one of those success stories that can also be a strict coach Tom Thibodeau young and I can not help but fall for.

Butler, who has 15.7 points and 6.1 rebounds last season, on average, Marquette did not improve, but played organized ball in every season.
And above all, loves defense. Thibodeau and is married to the defense.

Then right with this beautiful story we have to tear the threat by blocking the NBA, which can be ugly, dark, vengeful and long term. The history of anti-pleasure, if you want.

Not signed a collective agreement, the lock will start on Friday. And it is for the news of the NBA, with the exception of legal talk that the fans will enjoy the responsibility and the contract geeks only.

In fact, the word block is true, with the list owner on the walls and the guns first man. Some say the current unemployment work in the NFL look like a fast, no-fault divorce in relation to this fight NBA.

This is when the owners and their front man, Commissioner David Stern thinks they have the ability to create in terms of remuneration of hope for the future. Stern says that there are 22 of the 30 national bibliographic teams to lose money. And what can each do?

Show for those of you with memories of bulls, as you remember that the 1998-1999 season was reduced to 50 games due to a lockout of players owners. Interestingly, in the year 2009, only 55 NBA players in the league until 1999 block. Now almost no one went through but the wily vets like Kobe Bryant, Dirk Nowitzki, Ray Allen and Kevin Garnett.

What do you think of missing a part or the entirety of the 2011-12 season to think through a contractual dispute?

Who knows? And why we, the public think about this? Our life is hard enough without worrying about the survival of the problem.

In fact, Butler shows that was so impressive when he spoke to the media in Chicago for the first time with a view to the eyes of every man as he spoke wisely, correctly and passion is only one line of a long history of our countrys inability to feed their own children when the biological parents themsleves awkwardly, missing or damaged.

Dennis Rodman was more or less of a family of Texas, whose son became friends with him accepted into a playground.

San Francisco 49ers linebacker Patrick Willis was with his two brothers, the school acquired basketball coach when I was a homeless teenager.

And so on.

Lambert said this is just the beginning of the butler.

Of course it does not.

But lost in all this, some questions are: Where in the world is the keeper to score the Bulls need? If the practice with his first-round pick? And .??.??.

A nice story, very well, but many questions.

